Work Flow
"Can you do this?"
"I don't know how to ask"
"I don't know what to prepare" etc.
Please feel free to contact us using the inquiry form below, as the general content is fine.
<Contact us>
After confirming the content of your inquiry, we will ask you for the content by email or phone. If necessary, we may visit you and talk to you directly.
<Presentation of quotation>
We will send you a quotation by email based on what you have heard. After confirmation, proceed to the next stage. The quote is free.
<Meeting of request details>
After making a formal order, we will visit your company on the specified date and time to ask for more details. Please let us know the product concept, target, package form and specifications, naming, selling price, product outline such as competitors' products. If you prepare a manuscript that summarizes these contents in advance, the meeting will be carried out smoothly.
<Submission of quotation>
After hearing the details of the contents, we will submit a formal quotation again if necessary.
<Market research>
Based on the orientation information, we will visit the actual sales floor to check the current situation and obtain competitors' products for confirmation and analysis.
<Information gathering>
In addition to customer requests, we will collect endless information about our products and consider new ways of designing and showing them in a way that suits the times.
<Design concept setting>
After collecting all the information, set the design concept of the product. We will start the work of coming up with ideas according to the concept and gradually narrow down the design.
<Examination of design ideas and arrangement of elements to be used>
We will narrow down the design ideas to a few points and start concrete design work. If necessary as a design element, we will arrange illustrations etc. After confirming the illustrations etc. in advance, we will start the actual design work.
<Examination of design>
We carefully check the basic points of the package design. We will improve the degree of perfection of the design proposal by examining and correcting the appearance when displayed at the store, the strength of the impact, and whether it can be differentiated from competing products.
The person in charge involved in the production will visit your company and directly explain the direction and intention of the design to the customer and make a proposal.
<Quick correction response>
We will listen to your opinions on the proposed design and promptly respond to subsequent corrections. By repeatedly brushing up, we will improve the degree of perfection of the design that more closely matches the characteristics of the product.
<Creating a 3D mockup>
If necessary, we will also produce a mockup that is close to the finished image for consideration, investigation, and business negotiations.
<Creation of submitted data>
After the final design is decided, we will arrange shooting and prepare illustrations for submission. We will work with external staff in each field, such as photographers, food coordinators, and illustrators, to create submission data. Also, please specify the submission method.
<Proofreading / printing witness>
We will help you improve the quality of the product by having a meeting with the printing company at the time of data submission, checking the proofreading, and witnessing the printing. However, if the printing place is far away, transportation expenses will be required.
Please prepare your design development schedule with plenty of time.
Design production generally proceeds as described above. It takes about 1 to 2 months to develop the package design (in the case of a single item). In addition, about 1 to 2 months will be added for printing work. It will take about 3-4 months for delivery, so we recommend that you prepare as soon as possible.
We try to respond promptly and accurately. The design production time from the first meeting to the presentation is usually about 10 to 14 days. However, the number of production days will vary depending on the volume of the project, so please contact us at the time of the meeting. We will do our best to meet the customer's request such as the delivery date of the design submission data, but we may not be able to meet it depending on the situation. Thank you for your understanding.